Removing Teak

Teak Deck Removal – Part 7

It is time to get some motivation back. It is interesting how there are times in a boat owner’s life where things are going well, and you’re excited and motivated, and there are times when your not. Deb and I have struggled with this over the years. We love our boats, doing our work and the refining of the vessel is just part of the live-aboard and cruising lifestyle. We accept, welcome and most of the times look forward to that.

Historically if we were at a time when I was feeling de-motivated, Deb would be up when I was down and the same when Deb was down, I wouldn’t be, and I would lift her spirits. The last couple of months of other priorities, the leaks getting worse from the rain and deck work that is still mid progress and an overall concern with not seeing any progress and getting discouraged by it, Deb and I were both in a bit of a boat owners funk. We still love our boat, our dreams and our desires for sailing and cruising. BUT, and like Sir Mix A Lot says, this is a Big But, we were getting pretty dejected and not sure what to do next.

We knew what typically gets us going given this is the 3rd boat we are refitting. For us, it is small wins, some visioning of what it will be like when done, the experiences we can have with the boat, etc. But even after doing that, we were just ready to call the boat a big piece of sh%T and stop doing much on it.

You may ask yourself, What Changed?

It was one simple thing that sort of kick started both of us. I have been stating I was going to make an awning for the boat to help shield some of the rain when at dock or anchor and be a sun shade to aid the air conditioners on hot days. But, it was just not a priority, and the work seemed harder than I planned, yada, yada, yada. Bottom line, I didn’t make this thing.
Deb arranged for a local canvas and boat shop to come out and measure and build a great sun cover.

The bottom line is we are getting a sunshade that goes from toe rail to toe rail about 6 and a half feet off the deck with detachable side curtains that will go from the Mizzen all the way to the bow pulpit. This cover will do wonders for shade, rain protection and we will even have removable panels that will attach from the sides and attach at the lifelines to allow us to shadow the deck when the sun is starting to get low in the sky.

This sun shade was the shot in the arm we needed. Deb was instantly putting lists together of the things we needed to get done if we start in the V-Berth and start working our way backward. A lot of it is finishing the projects we have begun and didn’t finish, and others are a focus on improvement and finalization.

Removing TeakI also go motivated to start to solve for the leaking dorade as well as removing more of the teak deck in preparation for our spring repairs to the spots on the deck that need it and the addition of layers of fiberglass, fixed core where needed and a new nonstick surface over all of it.

I put together a video of the work we did this week. I hope you enjoy it, share it and do me a favor and let me know if you think others would benefit from a short e-book with photos and instructions on how to remove the teak decks from their boats, inspect the core and make repairs where needed?
If so, please email me at and let me know your thoughts.

Feel free to repost this article with embedded video to your favorite sailing group, sailing club or even point them to our youtube channel or Facebook channel for more info as well.

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